About Mia Lovell

I am an incredibly fortunate human being! I was born in China, spent the first 7 months of my life in an orphanage, and was adopted by my parents when I was 7 months old. I am a proud, patriotic American, and I recognize how fortunate I am to be living the American dream!

Unlike most racers, I didn’t start my career in karting. In fact, at 5 years old my Dad put me on a skateboard, and I fell in love with the sport. It was four wheels, with just a lot less horsepower! I spent the next 8 years of my life competing in regional and semi-pro competitions, winning many events, including multiple gold medals at the 2019 California State Games. Shortly thereafter, I qualified for my first pro comp, the Tampa Pro. Fate would have it that COVID changed the direction of my life. With all competitions cancelled for an extended period of time, I tagged along with my Dad to our local track to watch him run some laps. I was 13 years old, and while I was an avid motocross rider, and always loved action sports, I had no track experience in a car. That was when the magic happened… On that day, my Dad convinced the track to let me turn some laps. I immediately fell in love, and began scheduling weekly sessions to practice, and search for speed.

Fast forward to 2022 when Toyota announced the inaugural Toyota GR Cup series. I was asked to participate, and was overjoyed when my parents agreed to provide the necessary support. That’s when the real work began… I attended multiple Skip Barber schools, and earned my SRO racing license. I began doing some local karting to gain race craft, and showed up in Sonoma in April of 2023, ready to race!

My first season was a whirlwind. We started at the back of the pack in race 1, and by midseason became the first, and only, female to qualify in the Top 10. We finished the season strong, earning the GR Cup Overall Fastest Female award for the year. It was an amazing year, and I learned a ton.

In the winter offseason we ran the 2023-2024 Inex Silverstate Road Course Legends Series. It was a fantastic learning experience, driving cars with no technology like ABS and Traction Control, and with a tremendous power to weight ratio. Before long, I figured it out, and clicked off three wins in a row to finish the series.

For 2024 we are running the GR Cup again, with the intent of getting on the podium!

Racing is my passion, along with skateboarding, motocross, and my family. In my free time I play guitar and piano, and attend high school in my hometown of Phoenix, Arizona. I’m committed to obtaining a college degree, while pursuing my passion to leave a mark on the sport of racing. I not only want to be fast, and race at the highest level, but I intend to make sure that I’m having fun along the way! Being a racer, a role model and a kind human being is what it’s all about. Thanks for being a part of the ride, and taking the time to learn a bit about me. Now let’s go win some races!